What does WIRO mean for compensation claims in NSW?


Pursuing compensation as in injured worker was the focus of an investigation by the New South Wales government, which ultimately led to the WorkCover Independent Review Office (WIRO) being set up. It’s been in place for the past three years and is designed to ensure that the complaints handling process is both streamlined and efficient.


In some cases, workers make claims for injury compensation that are consequently turned down by their insurer. This could be for any number of reasons, but WIRO is in place to ensure that anyone who is entitled to a pay out through the state’s compensation system is able to receive it.

Dealing with a Variety of Workers’ Compensation Claims

The latest available statistics from Safe Work Australia show that in 2012-13, a total of 117,815 serious workers’ compensation claims were lodged across the country. The incidence rate has been steadily declining, falling by 6 per cent between 2000 and 2012.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, labourers were the most prone to serious workers’ compensation claims, followed by machinery operators and drivers.

Common Types of Workers’ Compensation Claims

WIRO’s April 2013 performance statistics reveal that the most common type of workers’ compensation claim it dealt with related to back injuries. This was followed by hearing loss, shoulder injuries, and psychological injury.

The WIRO Complaints Handling Process

One of WIRO’s main stipulations is that any appeal for compensation should first be addressed directly with an insurer. This is where our expert workers compensation lawyers make sure your claim is heard correctly. The body will only pursue claims that have been refused and when all other avenues have been explored.

If your case meets this criteria, then WIRO will take an objective look at all the details pertaining to your situation. We will be in constant contact with the insurer and WIRO making sure all the boxes are ticked whilst also pursuing other avenues of compensation available to you.

After attempts to resolve the complaint have been made, WIRO will offer its recommendations, and we will direct you as to how you should proceed. Its ultimate aim is to ensure all cases are dealt with in a quick and just manner. In most instances, this will happen within a 30-day period.

Every situation will be dealt with individually and using a variety of Alternative Dispute Resolution techniques. Only if these strategies are unsuccessful will WIRO carry out a more formal investigation before putting together a report on the issue.

Contact PK Simpson

Here at PK Simpson, we’re able to deal with compensation claims on your behalf to ensure you receive the financial help that you deserve. Unlike many other firms, we don’t act on behalf of insurance companies, so you can be sure that we’re always on your side. Contact us to find out more.