In this series we have focused on the practical application of medical specialists in everyday life and how they are essential to your compensation claim as well as diagnosis and recovery.
In this article we will go into more detail on the relationship between medical specialists and compensation law; how insurers will obtain and make use of medical reports to fight your claim and how we, as defenders of injured people, go about making sure your personal injury claim is rock solid.
How Insurers Fight Your Compensation Claims
Insurers will employ lawyers to look at every claim, even if you lodge a claim without the assistance of a lawyer. In every claim, knowledge and experience is power. An insurance company will obtain evidence from their own doctors and medical specialists to argue you are not as injured as you say you are.
Therefore you can have to very different opinions about a broken back. And you can have two very different opinions about the money value you should receive for loss of earnings and pain and suffering. When it comes time to negotiate a settlement figure, experience, knowledge and a very good lawyer help immensely.
How PK Simpson Wins Your Compensation Claims
Thousands of compensation claims for all types of injuries stemming from car accidents, slip trip n’ falls in supermarkets and shopping centers, work accidents and medical negligence have been successfully won.
There isn’t a ‘one shoe fits all’ method to winning various sorts of compensation claims. Over 30 years of experience, certain procedures have been implemented to make sure clients at PK Simpson are very well looked after. Almost all of our claims are finalised at what we call an ‘informal settlement conference’ (ISC) which allows us to negotiate with the other side on your behalf.
In TPD claims we often obtain approval of benefits from superfunds before an informal settlement conference due to the excellent preparation of a claim. This means the time your claim is completed is greatly reduced.
Make Your First Move Count After An Accident – Contact PK
“GP’s can’t diagnose every injury or ailment and that’s why they provide their patients with a ‘referral’ to a specific medical specialist.”
— PK Simpson InjuryLaw (@PK_SimpsonAU) June 26, 2017